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For student of BSocSci (Code: 6717), there will be two days for registration, followings are the details.

Day 1- August 11, 2016 (Thursday) Faculty Orientation and CEDARS Registration

Faculty Orientation 

Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

Venue: CPD-LG.07-10, Centennial Campus (Map)


CEDARS Registration Counter for Student Services and Resources 

Time: 10:30am – 7:30pm

Venue: 2/F Chi Wah Learning Commons (Map)


The CEDARS Registration Counter is a one stop shop for new students to register their needs and interests in student support and resources including money, housing, psychological wellbeing and non-academic induction activities.

For details, please click here:

No make-up session will be arranged under bad weather conditions. Please refer to Important Notes (3) on ‘Faculty Orientation

Arrangements for Late Comers/ Late Acceptance’.


Day 2- August 12, 2016 (Friday) Student Registration and Students’ Union Induction


Student Registration

Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm


JUPAS students - Loke Yew Hall (Map)


Non-JUPAS (student visa not required)/ Direct Admissions Scheme / Senior Year Admissions - Room 167, Main Building (Map)

It is important for you to submit the documents for Student Registration Card and collect the registration package. Please bring along the following in person as scheduled accordingly:

  1. Your HKID card;

  2. A completed form “Photograph Submission for Student Registration Card”, with one passport-sized photograph and a copy of your HKID card attached (please click here to download the form “Photograph Submission for Student Registration Card”.

  3. A copy of the completed “Parent/Guardian Consent Form” (applicable to students who are under the age of 18 as at September 1, 2016). (Please click here for the important information and download the “Parent/Guardian Consent Form” here.)

Bad Weather Arrangement

Bad weather arrangements for Student Registration and Students’ Union Induction 


Important Notes:​

  1. Letter of Authorization
    If you are unable to come in person, you may authorize a representative to act on your behalf by completing the Letter of Authorization

  2. Student Registration for Late Comers/ Late Acceptance
    Students who are unable to come to register on the assigned date should proceed to the following office as soon as possible after August 12, 2016 to submit the form “Photograph Submission for Student Registration Card” for Student Registration Card and collect the registration package.
    Venue: Academic Support and Examinations Section, Registry, 9/F Knowles Building
    Time: Monday – Friday: 9:30a.m. – 12:30p.m.; or 2:00p.m. – 4:30p.m.

  3. Faculty Orientation for Late Comers/ Late Acceptance
    The Social Sciences Faculty Orientation for later comers/ late acceptance will be on August 26, 2016 at CPD-LG.08 &LG.09, Centennial Campus (For Year 1 undergraduate students). For exchange students and late comers who cannot attend the Induction Programme on August 11 or August 26, 2016, it would be held on end of August and more details need to be confirmed by Faculty later.

  4. More information on Registration Day


To bring list:

  1. HKID card and it’s copy

  2. HKD $2000 (divided into more bank notes for applications of orientation activities)

  3. 5 Passport Photos

  4. Umbrella

  5. Pen 


We look forward to seeing you in the Psychology Society SSS HKUSU booth!!!

Registration Day


© Copyright ​2015 Psychology Society SSS HKUSU Session 2015-2016

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