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First-Year Class Representative:
Yeung Lok Yan, Yannes 楊諾恩
BSocSc Year 1



Third-Year Class Representatives:

LEE Ka Shu, Kenneth 李嘉澍
BSocSc Year 3

LO Chiu Pang, Jack 羅超鵬 
BSocSc Year 3

Second-Year Class Representatives:

KONG Hoi Ho, Ryan 江凱浩
BSocSc Year 2


LEI Hoi Ching, Erin 李海禎
BSocSc Year 2

Fourth-Year Class Representatives:

CHEUNG Kwun Hin, Alex 張冠軒
BSocSc Year 4

CHEUNG Lor Ye, Chloe 張樂兒
BSocSc Year 4

Class Representatives

Every year, with the help of the Class Representatives, our Society strives to promote understanding and communication between psychology students and the Department of Psychology. We would like to know more about your opinions. Please feel free to share your valuable views with any of the Class Representatives or any Committee Member of our Society. The details are as follows:

© Copyright ​2015 Psychology Society SSS HKUSU Session 2015-2016

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Society Room Address

Room 931,

The Jockey Club Tower,

Centennial Campus,

The University of Hong Kong

Society Mail Address

Psychology Society,
Social Sciences Society,
The Hong Kong University Students' Union,
The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road,
Hong Kong

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Society Email

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