Session 2015-2016
It’s nobody’s fault
Written by Roxane Kwan
(Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fies_cvGyw)
Two people who are meant for each other mostly likely will end up happily ever after. However, in reality not every couple has a happy ending. Exactly why two people are not suitable for each other? Additionally, what contributes to their fight and sad ending?
There are many reasons why two people are not suitable for each other such as long distance, having an affair and the objection from parents. Duck in (1982) believed that there are two types of risk factors leading to the breakdown of relationship, which are predisposing personal factors and precipitating factors. To start with, predisposing personal factors may include personal habits and cultural differences, which lead to background instability and cause arguments. Precipitating factors include infidelity due to different working situations. For example, your partner works at night while you go to work in the morning or your partner are required to work overseas.
A Break up can lead to seven negative effects, including insomnia, chronic stress, weakened immune system, digestive problem, depression (Gregoire, 2013) and identity crisis (Cosier, 2010). However, despite knowing all about all these negative effects, why do we still choose to break up? According to Adams’ Equity Theory, it is of paramount importance to maintain a balance between giving and taking. If the balance is lost, which indicates inequality in a relationship, arguments will occur and cause breakdown of a relationship (Huseman, Hatfield & Miles, 1987).
It doesn’t matter how much fun you used to have with your partner, it does not alter the fact that he/she is not the one you are destined to be with. Being with the wrong partner will not result in a happy ending.
“You will eventually end up with the one you are destined to be with.” Do not cling on to the wrong one and give up your change with the right one. Keep looking and you will end up with the one you are meant to be with. By giving up the wrong one, you are one step closer with the right one. If you have found the right one already, congratulation, please treasure him or her. If the one you are seeing is not the right one, breaking up is not necessary a bad decision.
Cosier, S. (2010). Breakups cloud sense of self, study finds. Retrieved December 26, 2015, from
Duck, S.W. (1982). A topography of relationship disengagement and dissolution. In S. W. Duck (Ed.), Personal relationships
4: Dissolving personal relationships (pp. 1-30). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Gregoire, C. (2013). Breaking up: 7 ways a split can affect your physical and mental health. The Huffington Post. Retrieved
December 26, 2015, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/25/divorce-stress_n_3428932.html
Huseman, R., Hatfield, J., & Miles, E. (1987). A new perspective on equity theory: The equity sensitivity construct. The
Academy of Management Review, 12(2), 222-234.

" By giving up the wrong one, you are one step closer with the right one. "