Session 2015-2016
Love me? Indeed I do!
Written by Szeying Chan
Ever since the first stirring of civilization, parental love has been highly acclaimed by humanbeing among all kinds of love. However, voices against monster parents are always heard in recent years. Frankly, the love of monster parents towards their children is true. They do everything in their power with an end to have their children won at the starting line. In the long run, the parent-child relationship will be strained, and even hurting the both sides.
The over-protection of the monster parents, such as employing a foreign domestic helper to take care of their children without leaving enough room for children to learn on their own, will weaken children’s ability to solve the developmental task of “autonomy” and “shame”. Overly protected children are then deprived of the ability to learn from mistakes and are unable to prevail in adversity. Moreover, mothers are inclined to instill their own values to their children or expect too much from them. The above two situations have their downsides. Psychologist Ziskind(1945) pointed out that in most cases, over-dominated children have indication of anxiety, submissiveness and dependency; while over-indulged children have indication of over-aggressiveness. The imbalance between the above two are contradiction-prone and conflict-prone.
Not only will children who have lost control of their lives do not know the knack of self-care, but they are also prone to lack confidence and paranoid about their act. In hope of nurturing children’s whole-person development, there are some parents enrolling their children in numerous interest classes but forgot to reserve free time for them. It is disadvantageous to children at play-age to deal with the developmental task of “initiative” and “guilt”. Those children are made to learn, not genuinely exploring the world of knowledge. Support from the monster parents may provoke ademoralizing thought in their children that they are below the bar, reducing their initiative and efficacy. They may be overly dependent or lack confidence (Fingerman et al., 2012).
Adolescents are in the prime age of their life and are further exploring their self-identity. If parents resort to authoritarian parenting style, that they are afraid of letting go and allowing their children to discover their uniqueness and world, it will weaken their sense of uniqueness and direction. Eventually, the children will plunge into role confusion (E. Erikson & J. Erikson, 1997).
As the old saying goes, “Love well, whip well”. The monster parents also have words that are hard to express. However, how difficult is it for affectionate parents to let go? As a matter of fact, instead of binding children’s freedom, it is as well for parents to let go and see them grow and flourish in the compost of mistakes and experiences as days go by.
Erikson, E., & Erikson, J. (1997). The life cycle completed. New York: W.W. Norton.
Fingerman, K. L., Cheng, Y., Wesselmann, E. D., Zarit, S., Furstenberg, F., & Birditt, K. S. (2012). Helicopter Parents and
Landing Pad Kids: Intense Parental Support of Grown Children. Journal of Marriage, and Family, 74(4), 880-896.
Ziskind, E (1954). Child-parent relationships and their psychopathology. In Psychophysiologicmedicine, (pp. 157-170). Lea &

" Love well, whip well "